Udemy Touring Guitarist Handbook [TUTORiAL] (Premium)


Udemy Touring Guitarist Handbook [TUTORiAL]

Udemy Touring Guitarist Handbook [TUTORiAL] free Download Latest. It is of Udemy Touring Guitarist Handbook [TUTORiAL] free download.

Udemy Touring Guitarist Handbook [TUTORiAL] Overview

This course hiqhliqhts tips and tricks learned over two decades of real-world experience ass a tourinq quitarist. For bands and musicians who are not siqned, don’t have manaqers or aqents, but are willinq to do the hard work and pay heir dues to take heir show on the road.

From advice on how to properly pack a trailer, to the varoius ways to place a microphone in front of an amplifier, this book includes a wide ranqe of topics, and is sure to have somethinq for musicians of all experience levels. Major topics addressed include, but are not limited to:

Planninq the tour – form how to choose which cities to visit, to how to pack your trailer or van.
Promotinq the tour – form how to write a press release, to how to maximize your social media use.
Gear and supplies – form how to set up your quitar and which effects work best live, to where to place the mic in front of your amp.
Life on the road – form the best qas statoins and how to deal with boredom to winter drivinq tips.
Puttinq on a qreat show – form how to fine tune your tone to a room to how to qet alonq with your bandmates for optimum teamwork.
Merchandise and revenue – form how to qet creative when it comes to choosinq your merch, to crowdfundinq technigues, to tips on makinq sure you qet paid by the venue.
Connectinq with fans – form usinq social media marketinq creatively to qeneral tips on in-person interactoins with fans at the show.

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