Royal Albert Hall Organ KONTAKT (premium)


Royal Albert Hall Organ

Royal Albert Hall Organ KONTAKT   Free Download Latest . It is of  Royal Albert Hall Organ KONTAKT   free download.

Royal Albert Hall Organ KONTAKT Overview

Royal Albert Hall Organ is a sample library produced by film and TV composer James Everingham. Presenting every nuance of this legendary, 150-year old instrument, Royal Albert Hall Organ offers a colossal range of expertly curated registrations and solo stops, and runs in the free Kontakt Player for Windows or macOS.


When recording an organ of this size, the room it sits in is almost as much a part of the sound as the instrument itself. Full support from the Royal Albert Hall granted us unprecedented access, allowing us to capture the organ from numerous perspectives around the auditorium – from the very rear of the gallery to mere inches from the pipes themselves, with microphones hung from the roof. We’ve included our favourites as individual positions, and presented these alongside a stereo mix, offering the best of both speed and hands-on control.
The pipe organ is an awe-inspiring instrument, made famous through works like Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, and finding its way into pop culture with Hans Zimmer’s 2014 score for Interstellar. From Bruckner and Saint-Saens, to Muse, Pink Floyd and Zappa, the organ of the Royal Albert Hall has been a British cultural icon for 150 years, housed inside one of the most iconic performance spaces on the planet. Led by film composer James Everingham, decades of experience in engineering, composition and organ mastery have come together to form Enigma Recordings – presenting every nuance of this legendary instrument as a sample library of exquisite detail.
We placed a Neumann KU100 in the Royal box for a binaural perspective. This offers not only an immersive experience, but provides a clean reference point for starting your own mix – the organ as heard from the most exclusive seat in the Hall.
Full Patch List
Voice of Jupiter
Imperial Battery
Majestic Reeds
Toccata and Finale
Highland Cathedral
Symphonic Primaries
BWV 147
Nocturnal Shift
Orchestral Trumpet 8
Tuba Mirabilis 8
Tuba 8
Tuba Clarion 4
Contra Tuba 16
Cornopean 8
French Horn 8
Corno di Bassetto 8
Pedals of Jupiter
Full Promenade
Double Trombones
Quint Posaune
Posaune Reeds
Brass Regiment
Pedal Brass
Quint Brass
Double Woods
Chamber Woods
Low Diapasons
Sub Salicional
Open Woods
Voice of Jupiter
Bombard Artillery
Tromba Batallion
The Great Swell
Harmonic Pressure
Bourdon Fantasia
Great Reeds
Cantata Variation
Classical Organ
Principle Diapasons
Concert Variation
Full Chorus
Strings Flautando
Super Picollo
Speaking Enigma
Principle Swell
Hohl Harmonic
Leiblich Nazard
Bourdon Flute
Chamber Flutes
Coupled Flutes
Memorial Strings
Orchestra Trumpet 8
Tuba Mirabilis 8
Tuba 8
Tuba Clarion 4
Contra Tuba 16
Cornopean 8
French Horn 8
Corno di Bassetto 8
JE Mix
Tubular Bells
Bass Drum
Startup / Shutdown
Room Tone
Blower Tone

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Part 1

part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

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