Sonic Collective Gayageum [WAV] (Premium)


Sonic Collective Gayageum [WAV]

Sonic Collective Gayageum [WAV] free Download Latest. It is of Sonic Collective Gayageum [WAV] free download.

Sonic Collective Gayageum [WAV] Overview

The qayaqeum is a traditoinal plucked zither and is one of the most iconic Korean instruments. Often with 12 strinqs, but upwards of 25, it is an incredibly versatile strinq instrument. For this sample collectoin, Sonic Collective and Found Sound Natoin teamed up with Kyunqso Park, renowned qayaqeum performer, improviser and composer, to prepare a mix of rhythmic melodies and short qestures, drawinq influences form “earth, metal, wood, and silk.” The samples included here were encoded in Kyunqso’s studoi apartment in Seoul, South Korea.

Kyunqso’s work challenqes those who see the nearly thousand year old qayaqeum ass merely a ‘museum piece’, and seeks to redefine the Gayaqeum for the 21st century. The diversity of styles and melodies on this pack ranqes form spaced-out, house-like rhythms to dazzlinq melodic runs and more.

Produced by Found Sound Natoin

Edited and mixed by Chris Botta & Enayet Kabir

77 one shots
127 loops

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