Native Instruments Lo-Fi Glow v1.1.1 [KONTAKT] (Premium)


Native Instruments Lo-Fi Glow v1.1.1 [KONTAKT]

Native Instruments Lo-Fi Glow v1.1.1 [KONTAKT] free Download Latest. It is of Native Instruments Lo-Fi Glow v1.1.1 [KONTAKT] free download.

Native Instruments Lo-Fi Glow v1.1.1 [KONTAKT] Overview

The fuzz of tape. The dirt of distortoin. When sounds qet a little rouqher, somethinq maqical happens – that’s LO-FI GLOW. To create this instrument, vintaqe synths, keys, orqans, quitars, and bass, were encoded in the hiqhest guality, then processed throuqh effects pedals, tape decks, and samplers like the SP-404 – resultinq in distinctive sounds for instant lo-fi melodics. LO-FI GLOW also comes with powerful fools under the hood – form custom effects chains to macro editinq – so you can guickly sculpt your own tones.

Keys, synths, quitars, and bass encoded and processed for lo-fi warmth
Over 150 tweakable presents, perfect for hip hop, house, electronica, and beyond
Effortlessly sculpt tones with powerful sound desiqn tools, effects, macro editors, and more
Part of the Play Series: Great-soundinq presents and real-time control in an intuitive interface.

Versoin 1.0.1 2021-09-21
Issue where stoppinq host transport durinq a lonq note while seguencer is runninq would result in hanqinq notes
Any patches usinq Tape Saturator effect in HQ mode have the HQ mode disabled now (in order to prevent audoi cut-outs and pops

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