Karl Taylor Photography – Working to a Brief 13: Floating Glasses (Premium)


Karl Taylor Photography – Working to a Brief 13

Karl Taylor Photography – Working to a Brief 13: Floating Glasses   Free Download Latest . It is of  Karl Taylor Photography – Working to a Brief 13: Floating Glasses   free download.

Karl Taylor Photography – Working to a Brief 13: Floating Glasses  Overview

For our thirteenth Working to a Brief assignment, we’re tasking you with creating a stylish floating glasses shot using photography or CGI. Although the deadline for the submissions are now closed and we are no longer accepting entries, you are welcome to still take part in it and tag us in your results! You’ll find all the details you need to complete the brief below, as well as in the accompanying live show. We highly recommend watching this show (live or as a replay) as it may feature additional useful information and advice! No further guidelines will be provided. Karl has shot glasses for some of the world’s top brands, including Hilfiger, Armani, Lagerfeld, Diesel, Red or Dead, Boss and many more. As such, he is likely to be particularly demanding in his role as art director for this brief! Based on his own experience, Karl estimates 2-4 hours of shooting/problem-solving time, followed by 2-3 hours of precise retouching to ensure no dust or scratches are visible on the product and that the colour and contrast is correct.

Homepage:    https://visualeducation.com/working-to-a-brief-13/

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