Groove3 Ableton Live: Creative Mix Processing TUTORiAL (Premium)


Groove3 Ableton Live: Creative Mix Processing

Groove3 Ableton Live: Creative Mix Processing  Free Download Latest . It is of   Groove3 Ableton Live: Creative Mix Processing    free download.

Groove3 Ableton Live: Creative Mix Processing   Overview

Join Ableton Live guru Thomas Cochran for a comprehensive Ableton Live video course on how to get creative with Ableton Live plugins and think outside the box. From creating custom effects racks to building a dynamic EQ without the need for external plugins, there’s something here for everyone. By the end of this Ableton Live course, you’ll have a brand new appreciation for what you can achieve with Ableton Live alone, not to mention some newfound creative thinking skills that can be applied in numerous other scenarios. These videos are designed for intermediate Ableton Live users.

Thomas welcomes you and then launches into the first technique of creating a dynamic EQ by using Ableton Live’s Envelope Follower plugin, which means you don’t need to rely on third-party plugins. Then you’ll see how to build a custom multi-band effects rack, enabling many advanced mixing and sound design possibilities for your productions.

Next, you’ll explore Live’s Drum Buss plugin and learn ways to optimize your workflow and mix drums and bass quickly and easily. Thomas then shows you how to create some vintage-flavored, cassette-like sounds with a custom lo-fi effects rack. Finally, learn how to build custom delays and compressors by using Live’s groups, paving the way for plenty of other advanced processing techniques.

This course is ideal for those seeking innovative sound possibilities or innovative ways to utilize their existing Ableton Live features and plugins. By the end, you’ll be ready to start using any and all of these ideas on your very next track. Check out the individual Ableton Live Creative Mixing video tutorial descriptions for more information on everything that’s covered and get ready to transform your mixes for the better. Gear up for a whole new way of thinking with Live… Watch “Ableton Live: Creative Mix Processing” today!

What You Will Learn:

-How to build a dynamic EQ without external plugins using the Envelope Follower device.

-Mixing drums and bass quickly and effectively with the Drum Buss plugin.

-Creating custom multi-band effects racks for advanced sound design and mixing possibilities.

-Adding vintage, retro vibe and mimic cassette sound with a custom lo-fi effects rack.

-And more!

Plugins Used:

Max for Live Envelope Follower

EQ Eight

EQ Three



Glue Compressor

Drum Buss


Auto Pan




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