Cubilas Roland Juno-106 MPC Expansion (Premium)


Cubilas Roland Juno-106 MPC Expansion

Cubilas Roland Juno-106 MPC Expansion   Free Download Latest . It is of  Cubilas Roland Juno-106 MPC Expansion   free download.

Cubilas Roland Juno-106 MPC Expansion  Overview

This collection includes the original 128 factory preset patches from the Roland Juno-106 Polyphonic Synthesizer, programmed specifically for your MPC. It’s packed with piano, pad, string, synth, brass, sound FX and other instrument keygroup programs ready for you to use.

These instruments have been multisampled in full stereo by hand directly into the MPC.
Thick basses, chorused brass, electric keyboards and so much more. Filtered to emulate the original hardware.

•of Instruments : 128 XPM Keygroup Programs
•of Samples : 2,654 WAV Samples

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