Content Mavericks – More Traffic Less Content (PlayBook) (Premium)


Content Mavericks – More Traffic Less Content (PlayBook)

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Name Details
File Name Content Mavericks – More Traffic Less Content (PlayBook)
File size 27 MB
Publisher Content Mavericks
update and Published 2023

Our private clients, customers, and fans. Hear from people who have acquired $5,000-$15,000 clients in 14-30 days using our content marketing method.

✔️ $80,000 Per Month With 5 Blog Posts – See step-by-step how we turn blog posts into monthly recurring revenue so you can run a more predictable, stable online business. Oh, behave! (minute 6:05)

✔️ Content Marketing Examples showing the exact five blog posts we used to make the first 6-figures in our own business. (minute 6:30)

✔️ Find Your Perfect Content Topic that will attract $3,000 – $15,000 per month clients like leather-clad females at an Austin Powers swinging 60s bachelor party with this ONE question. (minute 7:27)

✔️ Stop Guessing How To Get Traffic – Ask these two questions before you create your content so you know exactly how to get traffic in advance. (minute 7:55)

✔️ What To Do If You Have Too Many Content Ideas – The simple spreadsheet formula I use to prioritize what content topics to create first. It’s groovy, baby! (minute 8:20)

✔️ 80/20 SEO: How I make sure every topic I write about has “traffic potential” before I write it. (minute 8:43)

✔️ How To Rank On Google – Look for these four “opportunity gaps”. If there is no opportunity gap, you will never rank. (minute 9:43)

✔️ Don’t Know What Type Of Content Converts The Best? I’ll show you the five types of content I’ve found that convert readers to leads every time I hit publish. (minute 10:34)

✔️ No Audience? No Problem – I’ll show you how to do all of this even if you’ve got no email list or social media following. (minute 10:55)

✔️ “I’m Not A Writer.” – How I’m able to write unique, actionable content my prospects love using one simple fill-in-the-blank writing template. (minute 12:17)

✔️ Don’t Have Time To Write Content? I’ll show you how to outsource your content using a Google doc with two questions that guarantee you get high-quality content. (minute 12:49)

✔️ The Worst Thing That Can Happen Is No One Clicks Your Content. I’ll show how to guarantee this doesn’t happen using a one sentence post on social media to test the market before you publish. (minute 13:32)

✔️ Why You’ll Never Have A Boring Headline Again – Here’s the three most effective headline formulas I use with examples. (minute 14:32)

✔️ How To Get Your Target Clients Attention And Keep It For Over 5 Minutes – The RPT, TRP and CPR introduction formulas I use to hook readers so they read my full post and don’t bounce. (minute 15:50)

✔️ You Need To Use The __________ Page To Know What Type Of Blog Post Will Rank #1 On Google – Follow my advice, then use the correct type of blog post to create insanely actionable content. (minute 18:10)

✔️ How I Went From Collecting 3,000 Leads Per Month To 10,000 Leads Per Month in 5 Months without creating any new content. This is the strategy I used. (minute 20:54)

✔️ How To Convert Up To 25% of Your Blog Post Visitors into Email Leads – This diagram will show you the three upgrades you need on every blog post to do it. (minute 21:50)

✔️ Content Conversion Examples with the blog post topic and upgrade that goes with it so you can see exactly how to turn your visitors into leads. (minute 22:10)

✔️ The Free Lead Generation Tool I use to collect all my leads. I’ll show you how it works, and three ways I use it to collect leads. (minute 23:25)

✔️ 65% Of Your Email Opt-Ins Will Come From _________ Upgrades – If you only do one thing to get more leads and ignore everything else I say, this is it. (minute 23:59)

✔️ The #1 Mistake People Make Trying To Get Leads With Content – I’ll tell you exactly what it is and how to avoid it. (minute 24:38)

✔️ 10,000 Email Leads Per Month Case Study – This breakdown will show how I collected every email so you know exactly how to do it for your own site. (minute 25:18)

✔️ You Can’t Track The Performance Of Content, Right? Wrong – I’ll show you how I track the performance and conversion rate of every blog post I write. (minute 25:57)

✔️ Competing Against Your Competition vs Competing Against Yourself: Which one is better? I’ll show you a 5×10 landing page report from my Google Analytics account and let you decide. (minute 26:55)

✔️ What Tiger Woods Taught Me About Content Marketing – I illustrated it all on one slide with a golf course, a putting green and a hole for all my golf fans out there. (minute 27:41)

✔️ The Pants Down SEO Method – Why you should never pull your pants down, bend over and wait for Google to send you traffic. Instead do this to get traffic much faster. (minute 28:05)

✔️ How To Get 100-1,000 Leads In One Day (Without SEO Or Ads) – This is the fastest way I’ve found to build an audience for free, and I’ve tried A LOT of things. (minute 29:11)

✔️ The #1 Method To Get Traffic To Your Content – I’ll tell you what it is and how I use this method over and over again to reach new audiences. (minute 30:00)

✔️ My 3-Step Organic Traffic Funnel – Borrow this funnel to appear “everywhere” without having to spend a fortune on ads or staff a massive content team. (minute 30:53)

✔️ How To Get Other People With Big Audiences To Promote Your Content – I’ll show you a Facebook Messenger chat with every message I sent to land a promotion that got me 141 new leads in one day with $0 cost per lead. (minute 31:38)

✔️ “OMG. You are the best EVER.” – How to get responses like this when you ask other people to promote your content to their audience of over 10,000 people. (minute 33:36)

✔️ Six Easy Methods To Find People Who Will Promote You, That Take 5-10 Minutes – Pick one, then model my examples to scale your influence. (minute 38:30)

✔️ Running Ads To Content At A Profit, Is That Even Possible? It Is. No one teaches it. I’ll show you how I do it. I learnt it from a guy who gets 10,000 leads a day using ads… show-off. (minute 44:12)

✔️ How to Write a Winning Ad, including the unusual method I use to write ads that teach people something, even if they don’t click. (minute 46:15)

✔️ “My Content Gets More Shares Than Yours” said no one, ever. Cuz at minute 47:41 of the training I show you how to get people to share your content daily using my free viral sharing tool. (minute 47:41)

✔️ Some People Like To Sell Over The Phone. Not Me. I’m introverted AF. That’s why I found a way to sell $500-$5,000 products over email. I’ll show you how. This also gets a ton of people on strategy calls, if you want that. (minute 49:34)

✔️ 50% Of People Likely WON’T Buy – If you want a realistic estimate of how many clients you can expect from this whole process, watch this. (minute 50:04)

✔️ “Your writing is so compelling and directly to the point of my problem. I literally can not leave this unresponded.” – I’ll show you how to write emails that get responses like this. (minute 51:52)

✔️ Present Pain vs Future Gain – Most people talk about future gain when they try to sell something (e.g. Use my magic pill to lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks). I’ll show you an example of how to get 10x better sales conversions using present pain. (minute 52:05)

✔️ Step-By-Step Breakdown Of One Of My Highest Sales-Generating Emails – I breakdown every sentence so you can model my example, send one email today and get a new client tomorrow. (minute 52:27)

✔️ The Three Brains – Child/Adult/Parent and how to talk to each of them in your emails so more of your prospects understand your offer and want to buy. (minute 53:21)

✔️ Should We Shag Now Or Should We Shag Later? How to make an irresistible offer that gets your prospects wanting to “shag now” no matter their situation. Austin Powers approves, you will too. (minute 55:10)

✔️ The End. (minute 56:10)

On the next page, you can decide to add-on my $100,000 blog post case study, 5-day rapid cash email campaign, and a few more goodies if you want to save some time, effort and really get a shagadelic deal…

…but, as you can see, The More Traffic Less Content video training contains everything I think you’ll need to understand and implement this method (and a bit more… oh, behave!).

The price of the More Traffic Less Content video training is just $47.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a course where I waffle across 30+ lessons over some bullet points. Courses like that aren’t actionable, and don’t work.

This is an all-action, zero fluff training where I give you as much as possible in as little time as possible. New diagrams, examples, templates every 20 seconds.

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